What is Psychoanalysis?

What is Psychoanalysis?

What is psychoanalysis: the inquiry could echo the response “It is what it is,” yet this is an answer equalling the reply of a god, which psychoanalysis is not, neither is a panacea representing a tyrannical oath promising to cure one’s suffering with a special modus operandi- techniques are the weapons of those who cannot understand freedom and responsibility, and with whom philanthropy collects a dreadful meaning; and, within these musical notes of thought, Lacanian Psychoanalysis, any decent psychoanalysis cored on those ethics, in general, represents the human right to speak up, to form one’s own ways of life- and death. From the moment one attempts, or, even worst, to answer that question – What is psychoanalysis – in the formula of one statement for the minds of all, with the confidence of the dictator, one does practise at the very best case scenario a bad psychotherapy- for, psychoanalysis, is something created with each one of the analysands, as much as the analyst who is gratified to lack of memory so to accommodate that novel desire by the subject of the unconscious. Psychoanalysis cannot be but a plasmatic breathing liberty within a geometry of motion, within the process of which, a subject creates the soil for its own idiomatic tongue: that is why it is an enigma, not to be answered but to be formed, which, among other things, paints the beauty and the plurality of human subjectivity. A subject begins by conversing the speech into silence.


Psychoanalytic treatments and consultation in English or Greek.

London Office

The psychoanalytic practice is located in London at the following address, and opposite the British Museum:

91 Great Russell Street





On the Symptom

Symptoms treated by Psychoanalysis: Life.

Discontents- that is a symptom, which makes a subject bear an incomparable weight, in one way or another. Unique individuals have unique ways of discontent although the outcome- filtered in the cultural discourse- may appear the same in the violent forms of grouping, turning what ought to be private into something indiscriminate out of context with one’s personal experience as if the subject itself were the symptom to a brilliant theory of an illness. In Lacanian orientation each voice is inimitable, and each symptom is a subject, an outcome of the body’s exposure to language beyond the general formulations of cause and effect- this is the affect of a cause, which, in time, has shaped the body into a discursive one: in fact, not one but another one.

What is the Oedipus myth, if not the structuring of the question “What does it mean to be a human?” a question that outshines the illuminations of both biology and cognition- in fact, and, to be defined: it is a different biology: for biology means the word of life; if it is more apposite, life speaks. Although the word analysis relates to destruction, which is, breaking down into the smallest agencies, it is apropos to describe it as creation, a formation, one that Lacan utter as the direction for the formation of analysts as well, not in mass production but as one by one. In this manner each one’s symptom exists- beyond the statistical silence of individuality, but one by one, dissimilar.


The only certainty being one’s anxieties, manifested through a number of symptoms, only to be categorized into a group of syndromes and such we tend to become: yes, if this is the declaration of a manifesto equal to the ethical guiding principles of a slave. Subjects’ symptoms are the results of a discourse that has marked the entrance of their bodies within the social discourse, and the rebellion towards the demand of subjection, not subjectivity, is the topology of the indication of the symptom, which is, faithfully to the steps of the act, the instant of the subject’s next performance. The entrance into analysis, or, better stated, the crossing towards this path happens not because of the violence of the symptom but because of the symptom’s malfunction, or, if it is favored, the subtraction of enjoyment from the indication of agony, with gratification- one it static: panic attacks, anorexia, boredom, repetition of failed relationships and incidents- no, these do not need cognition because it is their cognition that brings about their failure, doomed into a system of mastery between ideal goal and disillusionment.


We have rushed too much, so much that we have forgotten that speech, as much as in the myth of Oedipus, has been the marking and seminal reference to one’s destiny, written yes but not ours and certainly not the only form of writing- for, when analysand read they actually sculpt: a novel truth. The hastening towards an ideal led to the loss of a place, not a place to bring to a standstill, but, on the contrary, one from where we choose our departures. When a subject reaches that elastic point of departure, psychoanalysis is, does not become, only a moment. No more than an act.

Contact Details

For Psychoanalysis at the London office, you can use the following contact details:

Phone number: 02032396979

Email: petrospatounas@freudianletter.com

On Psychoanalysis’ Theory

On the Theory of Psychoanalysis.

Psychoanalysis does not exist- it is not solid; it is oriented until it is dissolved again: as much as the analyst; this orientation is the other side of Lamella. In the beginning there is the deed- one that it is not without speech, a tongue that stutters its letters and hesitates when it encounters its desire, yet igniting the proposition of inflowing into analysis; it is accompanied by the dissatisfaction and questions that do possess their question marks; this is the ingress into analysis, into what has been until that moment without time, not because it has not been calculated but because it was infinite.


Many One could refer to a method, an old one, out of use- yet how can free speech be out of use: it is, when one is somehow dead, or, a mere Master attributing demands to its own echo. Lacanian Psychoanalysis does not refer to a system, neither to magic- perhaps we could, if we think of the authority of words to shape our lives; only in this sense. Psychoanalysis is not an application, neither a technique or a secret knowledge applied on a subject’s life experience- it is not even about clichés we have been exposed to throughout the decades after Freud’s discovery of the Unconscious; and certainly, it is not about being an “instead of.”


It is in itself, not what it is, but, what it becomes, and with each analysand the testimony is altered. Itself, it is an occurrence through which a subject constructs, or reconstructs in a different fashion, not memories, but the points of location through which subjectivity, that is, no more than being a person, is hearted: one can murmur a different kind of time, one counted with heart beats, and yet again one is to form a question. What makes a heart beat- this is not a riddle towards a biologist, for, when the subject suffering from anorexia enters analysis, what we are ethical into addressing is not the imaginary skeletal body but the obesity in the mirror- from this does the subject in question suffers. That is the geometry of motion of psychoanalysis and its flowing place within civilization.

Links to Freudian Psychoanalysis

These are a few links to other websites related to Freudian and Lacanian Psychoanalysis:



A Forum for transmission of psychoanalysis in the Lacanian orientation, in London, UK.



Lacanians In Praxis is a website for various Lacanian psychoanalysts offering psychoanalytic treatments, mainly in different areas of London.



The School of the Freudian Letter is a school of analysands dedicated in the formation of analysts and desiring subjects.


Cyprus Society of the SFL

The website of the Cyprus Society of the SFL.



LacanOnline.com is a site for exploring psychoanalysis through the work of Jacques Lacan.


Blog Index

On the Prayer of the Psychoanalyst.

The Subject speaks: Regnabo, Regno, Regnavi, Sum sine regno– I am without a realm and register: I am a letter- I am a breath∙ and, to be a breath deriving and omitting its inhalation of that drive which is life, the pass and the object of the Voice ought not to be particularized by the Primus inter pares, who, although not flamboyant in its glowing sophia, his presence fills that void from where desire shall spank its fountain towards a Theoria en-gendered by the Letter’s free will and from the signifier’s repetitive destiny along the devocalizing devitalization of the Other and jouissance: to this desire shall one refer this prayer and to the viscum, that, whatever Thing is oppressive because of its mucilaginous gluttony of the Other’s inertial frame, be that Galilean in its apraxia and doomed into a jouissance of the so called body event but not of the No-Body eventualisation whose activity foreordains the Death Drive, not with a perimeter of what is pleasurable but with a desiraction of what is desirable according to the ethic, that which has been an aim and has enthused into a source in relation to the drive: that my dear friend is not a body event, but a ceremonial to which the body is dedicated to the letters: to that La otra campaña which is not of the Other, for, the Letter seeks to arrive at the Kinesis of a prayer which is not semiotic, towards what, let us remember apostle Paul, he who has symbolized castration and took it away from the flesh and the flesh of the penis, the first symbolizer of the phallus, has proposed it as a prayer that does not cease∙ and if the hesychia is to be brought into the word as an orientation, it is that of the drive, not, not that it does not speak to us, to the analysts, but that it speaks, from its source and not the aim which is imaginary.


And the Subject articulates further, dispiritedly at an im-passe, speaking from the pseudonym educed from the Real’s regurgitate but not the Real itself: and he who has been jawed into the meanings of the structures’ architectural morphology, of faith, belief and knowledge, a mathematical and surely trigonometric compassion that cannot be obsessional because of the third term that makes it celestial, and that is not hypotenuse but hypo-t-Ousia, a true evil for a psychoanalysis to identify with the name of the father and become an idol, and who is a true master of Lacanian text but not of the Ousia of the practice, nom de guerre to the humanism of that epiphany that is brought to audible light by Freud and Lacan and yet it has come to the ears of the dupes as hypocorism: shortened and subtracted by the length of the vowels to accumulate the signifier and the analyst’s comprehension, an epimorphosis to which the death drive’s ignis fatuus rules because of the representation of one for another and to which the salamader’s tail reproduces itself on the level of the Same or of the Other but not the Alien for whom one ought to generate and not contrast- a Sinthome by all means.


And the subject dedicates with honesty the Being Silent to the semblance: to the comfort of a lit de justice, a chair not for analysts but the so called king, shared with his jester, for, it is this action that is not an act forcing the sacrament’s faithfulness of paganism at the demand of the Other to whom the analyst observes from the distance and from knowledge, since, since his body ingurgitates and cannot subsume the consonants of the voice∙ and, it is here that this Ascesis with the letter and the breath mesmerize the digamma of the semblance’s form and not the sound, a metaphor where the gaze speaks but not understood because of its superluminal motion∙ and to this, to this exterior to the eye, which is not of the beholder, the melancholic knows the distance from the body and that mastery to whom life’s drive, which is from death, does not act in necessity with a killing but with the intervention on the Ousia of what components its Aether, which is Apeiron, when it is dissolved from the signifier∙ and when the analyst, that subject who desires, makes its articulation an act, not in the service of the drive that appears as a chosen particle when the subject of the breath mislays its rhythm, as the drive is nothing more than the metric system of the subject’s being, with a scythe for the signifiers’ linearity disabling the Act, unless one not only knows what to do with the Real but also how to reach the Ousia’s first principle, if the dialectic is at the level of the signifier, and that cannot not be nothing but the Other of the Other, which is Zurvanism’s main principle: time: yet it should have been breathing- breathing the Letter.


And the subject calls upon desire with the cardiognosis of the letter and prays, when the Asomatic experience of the epistle creates the flash of the negative mass from which the death drive shall become the analyst’s companion when pointing its desire upon those new uncial shapes of sound: and, from the pallor mortis, a prayer is recited not to a god but to a cause, providing a motion, a Kinesis that, not like any Other though be-cause of a cause, antiphons to the echo of the drive non-echelonical: Quomodo in aquis resplendent vultus prospicientium, sic corda hominum manifesta sunt prudentibus, a desire that is an appeal of the act in the reconnaissance to sustain the entelechy of the Letter and desire, to form not language and neither lalange- but an alphabet that is not a feeling nor meaning, because it is not possessing the body, not a body event, not Επιστήμη but Δόξα∙ for, if a righteous perverse subject reveals something that could have been the nirvana of anxiety, equal to the schizophrenic experience enclaving the corpse in the place, not the name, of the Father, which is not time, to stop the detonation of psychosis, and that until there is the, the either the passage to the act with the use of the fetish, a  phallus en-bodied, or the act of a passage in relation to a cause subtracting that which is god∙ in the later crate the phantasm of the fantasy does not exist but created around the ethics of the passage, of the cause and the drive’s own positioning of the subject, a plea of a real nature, whilst, in the first holder it is destroyed as the ethic itself is disavowed by becoming a real act- let us declare it a body event: that body of reference whose Newton’s genius has conceived, is a cause, whose lymphatic system knows how to be a philanderer and flirt with the diaphonic acoustics of the Voice and Kinesis: and if you request to fashion a pass-age of the psychoanalytic Act, a great example of Hylomorphism where the Ousia is contained in mat-ter and not the father, she who is the Sophia of that which will become the function of the Other through the stasis of the signifier and its constant repetition according to the drive’s signification and structure of the subject’s covered areas of action, but not in Plasma that is of the Letter: that is why a prayer is indispensable for the Ascesis of the Psychoanalysts: it is not a body event.

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