On the Desire that is Agape and not Science.

The Act of God is Alien- it is demoniac, as the signifier engrosses the amateur dramatics of acting in the discourse, not a word but a true to the end operational vocation, which is not a doing: it is not the democracy of the letters, unquestionably not that∙ the analyst,  is not some genus of a ghostlike being: with a bit of fortune analysts could have stimulated their thoughts towards the filthy granules of the been aware of the nature of the subject supposed to know, which is not, not this time, the scarecrow of transference- since it unbraids the podium’s stance upon where the speaking being will interweave the outward appearance of its act∙ this is what could have make this creature called psychoanalyst an extraordinary mortal, because it Acts on its word and not biology: not a usual quality of analysts, and, there could be a peculiar something to spice those minds, with a prescribed amount of high-quality affluence and excellent omens, are not to be characterised, as Adler wrote, idiots from birth∙ and whilst the crux of the moment is at its timeless soil and the subject’s inadvertencies cough up the letter, because it perseveres, not without stubbornness, the signifier’s latitude, the Act condescends to the signifier its real value and makes audible the speaking being manifested within the course of an analysis, something of a fresh principal capital for the new mounting economy, becoming the Archangel’s ambrosial scale of what is a worth according to the given desire of the Acting Being: for, a word to have a price, a simmering somewhat of one’s own manure becoming a fertilizer, in or out a compost for he that is able to Act, the subject no longer per-verses its word by not acting∙ the code of Bushido, a good game of words for those philologists to transmit to the pre-mentioned manure, the heroic code, exists along a perverse discourse, only that the hero dedicates his being into, not to but into, an act serving a cause: that is not the act of science, but of Agape.



The Psychoanalytic Act: On the Formation of the No-Body.

By Petros Patounas.

The School of the Freudian Letter Publications.