On the Breath of the Das Ding.

And, from the hither, that here cognominated by those libidinous syllables and letters spelling the analysand’s Apraxia, that, that which traps the analyst in his own disposition unable to animate the eupnea’s formation, a breath that desires and the pulsating heart of the Das Ding, which is a breath, a letter and the allelomorphic cough of the cause’s representative, that is, that which causes desire, analysts are decomposed by accumulating freely the alphabet∙ and yet, and hopefully then, the parallelogramic equation of the analyst’s kinesis within this Act functioning as a plasma, a matter equipoising a mystery of ensarkosis without a first cause, can have some intimate thoughts about, not poetry alone but Allopoiesis, since, and along these unfathomable vernaculars, a systematic phenomenology of the Other becomes Alien because the system produces an account different from the system itself∙ and when then Gentile, he who becomes more feminine in spelling and less masculine in the system of the signifier’s gnosis within the structure of the Other and enters time itself with precision, because, as an object cause it moves in the vicinity of the arrow supposed to strike it, and carries into the open a blaspheme to the ears of the messengers who have become agronomists of the bad seed, the desire in the dream seeks instead of the analyst seeking the symbol: for that, the direction of a formation is from the Logos to the Myth because sexual relationship cannot do without it, without that magical realism to whom Herodotus has been more faithful than Thucydides- a myth of xenoglossy for him, that analyst, who is afraid to encounter the infamous vagina dentate because he still holds his practice from his penis: it is he, who produces the blastheme because he is not causing any agrammatism to Lacan’s own signifiers, but becomes a true teacher- a Pythia who interprets by herself: that is a vagina dentate, without a doubt.



The Psychoanalytic Act: On the Formation of the No-Body.

By Petros Patounas.

The School of the Freudian Letter Publications.

Free Association: On a Function to be Revised.

Free associate your Breath, dear analyst, because, from the everything, that Apeiron, comes the pneuma  but not through the Other’s free concurrence – how much does an aristocrat enjoy listening to what he already knows yet behaving as if not acknowledging· for, he cannot listen if the, which it is, the breath, the object a, and the Letter are homoousian to the Das Ding, separated but not divided, not, not with the cut that enables signifiers to appear but with the ditinic comma, which is the spiritus asper of the Act, not the action, of breathing· the Dasia, or, the tones of Pythagoras, whom masters of psychoanalysis in their divine struggle with time and the unconscious speak of musicality- how can the ear of he who has no faith and has never conducted a poem in favor of the muses can have a word about music, he that cannot speak a word deriving from his own poetry· and, to these unfaithful who research knowledge, belief and faith, that is, to those who have never experienced the vomiting breath of a fricative consonant, neither the kindness of the Spiritus Lenis, that horizontal breathing which the Greeks have submitted as high spirit, the Ψιλόν Πνεύμα, marking the nonattendance of the right to be heard, not to be or respire because the letter’s flux has been eternalized by the signifier: it is this function upon the breathing letters, the subtraction of the signifier’s oxygen, wrongfully taken for litter as the hypokeimenon, the subject of the unconscious, cannot subsist without the Ousia.



The Psychoanalytic Act: On the Formation of the No-Body.

By Petros Patounas.

The School of the Freudian Letter Publications.

The Apocalyptic Act- Part 5: On the Act that is Real: The Dancing Analyst.

And with the presence of avowal, when disavowal being at hand yet disavowing the fetish- where the subjects that have been called holy stood as guardians of this position with more success than analysts, the subject’s direction cannot be but that of the Cause; beyond those names that are entitled fathers and, which, they have no signifieds- those violent beats- one is to assist in turning them into notes proper to a sol key, for, it is not only the phallus offering a Greek Gift, hope, for the psychotic subject by holding itself from the paternal organ if that itself has been craved at least a milligram from the mother, but the Kinesis: if your subject is cursed to motion then it is a pecunious idea to lucubrate how to drive- one does lower the speed not by the Name alone, but, through the alteration of rhythm and time as well: an anapestic experience with one’s body. This is what psychoanalysis can learn by the not didascalic aspect of science that, which, yet, has some faith in truth.



The Psychoanalytic Act: On the Formation of the No-Body.

By Petros Patounas.

The School of the Freudian Letter Publications.



On the Filioque of the Signifier.

The Woman does not exist because the primal father was deficient in one thing- time- his time was, neither spherical nor linear, but that of the instant, of the trauma- indeed a time of boredom where on the throne one finds only a lazy monarch not knowing what happens to his sovereignty; and by his death he possessed the omnipotence he was not gifted with- a gift from the embracing hand of his offspring. In up to date psychoses, ordinary, a diet psychosis if we want to pursue the fashionable trends of the epoch, the binary of compulsory choices has become the ground, the arena, where the once delusions and illusions, those carrying the mark with the classical or popular etymology of the words, have a place- even those have become skinnier: they have become shadows because the daughter produced by the anaphases moves away from the pollen, that is, so to state with certainty, that there can be a birth without a father, a true example of parthenogenesis; and since there cannot be a poet, due to the pollen using no sceptre of manhood, one is to reflect that the Madona’s Rose has not been mentioned as a phallus by Dante, but  as the rose in which the celestial Word became flesh- one organ separated from the discursive body, not autonomous for it cannot rule: but secluded. This is not a mere replacement or shift between ideal ego and ego ideal, if we have in mind the distinction between hubris and sin, or to think in terms of guilt and shame cultural mores, neither the time for leaders, but of the so called team work- let us hope that there will not be a diet psychoanalysis, in respect to its ethics; for, this is the commencement of the orientation.


“Κα ες τ Σημαίνον τ γιον, τ κύριον, τ ζοποιόν, τ κ το Πατρς κπορευόμενον.


The Psychoanalytic Act: On the Formation of the No-Body.

By Petros Patounas.

The School of the Freudian Letter Publications.