On the Faith of Psychoanalysts: a Cause of Desire, which is a Cause.

The signifier is acrostic to the Letter’s Ousia- not homoousian: it is the Summa Theologica of the Epistula Purloined: and it can be that, because the Act is autonomous, as much as the master signifiers designating the trauma and its destiny, wreathing, and not breathing, with all the musicality of its arias ∙ that faith is indeed the praxis of the subject, an Alien Act to the binary of idolatry of the One and or the Other, not of the Agalma– certainly not that of Pygmalion, whose The Woman has been exteriorized through, and by, a marble stature, a procedure in opposition to that of Orpheus’ and Lot’s faith, with the subsequent man having his name signifying the veil in Hebrew, a veil he did not use because he subtracted his own faith ∙ idolographical, that is a much better of a word for an epistolary poet who has not yet written, not yet, for, the principle is that of desire, a motion in itself and not bound in the ethics of philosophy as it is that which binds an ethic. And, if the Πίστις of the Greeks, with a small object cause of desire in its front, just a small letter α, so to turn the word α-πίστις, and terracing faith to the object cause, which is a cause, the analytic cause, in other words, that is an ethic in its own fundamental nature, then the trust and faith of the analyst is to have a good laugh with the still scientific melancholia of Russell, who, as a true fanatical obsessive seeking to erase any demand alluding to a desire, he commands the subject to bring to an end the process of a delicate science, by saying that, When there is evidence, no one speaks of faith: but dear Bertrand, it is those evidence that aggravate a spirit to request faith.



The Psychoanalytic Act: On the Formation of the No-Body.

By Petros Patounas.

The School of the Freudian Letter Publications.

On the Desire of the Gentile.

If psychoanalysis’ Ousia residues in the interior and the con-text of the session, is not an Act but an old fashioned Pavlovian usance of a different time scale, longer indeed, awaiting the subject’s analyst to be satisfied with how this given analysand deals with his Daimonion, the Other, a function that analysts have revolved- just hear them chatting about it- into an imperceptible other person, reducing its function into an embarrassed cognition supposedly not implied to the analysand: but the voice who is unvoiced it is even more horrible· an unpardonable glimpse and an appraisal without the support of any optical devises, into a number of case studies, depicts the truth, that is, very few analysts canister to speak their own language, remaining thus attentive and attached to a Name of the Father, practicing a psychotherapy, one not been able however to treat their individual symptom, which is cloning: there is no dupe but duple, and, Pavlov, and certainly the supposedly free enterprise oxygenating demands for professionalism, would have been proud of such an exegesis· a professional process not at all human, not even analysis, but the hopeless fetish of he who is parsimonious, if we add desire and ethics into this orgy of professionalism: a franchise within capitalism· as one could smell the phallic redolence of a disintegrating question, which is inhuman as much as it is human, analysis being and present to civilization, to the civilization hosting its free ethical practice allowing subjects to be in formation and not subjected to any theory of forms, is psychoanalysis own Act onto the excess of the discourses asphyxiating the desire of that civilization’s subjects- in this manner the in-formation differs from the semblance’s information leading to cloning and not at all to the creation of a new alphabet, through which analysts cannot plagiarize the responsibility of learning each time anew- and this is the same reason that an analyst is not a position but a Kinesis: yet, he who is obese and refuses to be fed by desire, certainly, cannot move and prefers the position- that of been a cleric of the Other.



The Psychoanalytic Act: On the Formation of the No-Body.

By Petros Patounas.

The School of the Freudian Letter Publications.

Psychoanalysis is a Being Silent: The Illiterate Letter.

From the flesh one enters the Apeiron; and it is truly one; an Apeiron that, not only includes everything but that nothing is part of it, for, it cannot do without- it is the ω, an end in itself that can only produce, let us say it is about infinite letters, the testicular organs of what could become the company of the phallus; and then silence is elaborated through the prosoma, a body yet to be, never to be, only to be a before to accompany the homomorphism of all structures as if, like a terrible joke for the ear of an analyst, were all the same, or, just two looking alike, forcing one’s stupidity to downright that the obsessive in transference will do this or that or, in the case of the hysteric, that it is about a sexual position, turning accordingly analysis into a mystery not, a mystery that it is not; and from this absolute Apokatastasis, that certainly Origen would have been proud of, if in his brilliance would have perceived this as a Lilliputian example of the prevalence of love, the End in itself, that ω lucking the ν as to be an ον, with micro o, not mega ο,  that is suitable for God, turns into a system, not structure of master signifiers with which foolish analysts play as if the other is not a product of knowledge and, truth be told, nothing than, perhaps, a behavioristic approach- where do you stop the sessions, at what clever interventions because one knows the signifiers of this or that subjects experience: certainly something to think about since, to perceive the other, one does so by zooming out and observing from afar, mixing various sessions, oh, let us say, simply, that one fills a conundrum and intervenes; and from this system the signifiers are produced, accompanied by an ω turning them in all actuality into numbers because the subject supposed to know actually knows that they are rooted with another signifier called the master, one existing because of the mastery of the subject supposed to know. This occurs with or not a subtraction of the object, and one may now speak, if this person in question is in ownership of the, not analytic ear, but of the analytic voice- because that exists as well, of two bodies: since sex is possible only with a signifier, a subject sexes the lexis, if it is not possible to enter sexing the letter: truly it is about an entrance, after the act.


The Psychoanalytic Act: On the Formation of the No-Body.

By Petros Patounas.

The School of the Freudian Letter Publications.


Master Signifiers are not Detected- they Detect.

The detection of master signifiers is illuminated within the acoustic canals of true masters, ones who take pleasure into turning the orientation into a practice serving a dismal university discourse- correctly because they know “How to recognize Master Signifiers.” If one sits on the chair of desire, that of the analyst, which is the compass of analytic praxis and the topology of the Freudian Cause, then, it is enhanced, to testify that master signifiers are not recognized -they recognize: in fact, they distinguish desire. Only when this desire fails one may detect a master signifier.


The Psychoanalytic Act: On the Formation of the No-Body.

By Petros Patounas.

The School of the Freudian Letter Publications.