A Cause to Die for: Psychoanalysis or Death.

Knowing what to do with the Real is a start, not the end, even if this implies a certain end in a subject’s analysis- the recognition of desire and the not acting on it because of the cost implied is no different than neurosis for there is, still, the irresponsible being, one that is not silent and keeps talking, absolutely a bigmouth who chews around the same object with which It, this subject, has been producing a diachronic homicide in the direction of its desire. Unless an Act, there cannot be Desire, one sculpted on a human mass as not an object to die for, but a Cause to die for, that is, how a subject chooses to live towards the body’s death- undeniably not an independence clause. And to utilise a bitten tongue by the fangs surrounding its motion so to produce an asthmatic lungful equal to a value, a tongue slavered with insufficient but strenuous words, an unswerving discourse towards those who have chosen the Cause, a message not emphysematous or written by a poison pen, but, one equivalent to an onus, and not anus, ought to cylinder within the auricles of analysts, indeed, because it was their own choice and accountability the service to the Cause, which cannot be but in-human as much as it is in-formation: Psychoanalysis or Death.



The Psychoanalytic Act: On the Formation of the No-Body.

By Petros Patounas.

The School of the Freudian Letter Publications.

The Act, which is Alien- neither of the Other nor the Same.

The Act is not Alien to the handy man∙ this subject prays just enough, too little, and Acts much, an ethic not too altered from the Agoge, that of the Spartans, and his being is the Organon of the Act: the philologist is a coward, too much of a politically correct lover that women, as much as God, get bored easily. The Woman is God- the Woman is Alien∙ God though is not the Woman unless he is feminized- an existence that exists by been Alien: that is the work of an Act coming like an arrow from afar onto a position, from that long-bow whose intention sphinxlikes the analyst too, because it inactions his bulimia- the bulimia of his ears pickpocketing the ground of the desire. Just ask an analyst Who was the father of Zebedee’s children- the answer is either of the Other or of the Same, unless it is directed to those analysts who think they are the children of that Name or of Zebedee himself- and, it would have been Alien to the Other or the Same, the Act, if one of those biblical analysts would have attempted to re-action to the demand with the long-bow of a depersonalised grammar, without a name, un-subjected to the letters; and in such a manner the Act executes the command introducing its own death- the sacrifice of the location where one finds the dupe; and there is dupe because there is a subject supposed to know: there is nothing Alien about the latter- there is no psychoanalysis too: that is an exceptionally good reason for subjects in analysis to start praying- when there is no Act.



The Psychoanalytic Act: On the Formation of the No-Body.

By Petros Patounas.

The School of the Freudian Letter Publications.