On the Act that is One.

The strategy is not an Act- it even surpasses the debriefing preliminary of the treatment of psychosis; which, yes, there could have occurred an act with it simply by opening a mouth and asking that big-headed creature one sees in the mirror, a donkey not speaking but braying, if the question prior to the treatment of psychosis should have been pragmatically closer to how does the psychosis treat the analyst; not a strategy but  a symptomatic occurrence that happens unexpectedly. It is not a gamble as nothing is at stake, neither loss nor victory: Veni, Vidi, Vici was verbalised for the triumph of surpassing the river, but, again with Heraclitus, we have a testimony that, even if the subject steps in the same place, the waters cannot be the same- that is why the Act cannot represent itself for one another, and only a doing can. If the Act is cored on the stages of, either meaning or existence, it is a doing serving a reductive knowledge to which the analyst serves as a technician and not a subject within, not in, formation; and, as long as the subject of analysis is a psychoanalyst, the questions of Who Acts and From what position, will deserve the answer of pluralisation of the Who, and, the second one, from a motion, never from a so called position- which is the fissure of the pre-mentioned asinine creature- not a metaphorical one since the description was indeed for a donkey.




The Psychoanalytic Act: On the Formation of the No-Body.

By Petros Patounas.

The School of the Freudian Letter Publications.

On the Act that Responds to the Real Father.

The Father of the real is an abyssopelagic possession of the subject’s being- it could be the exceptional exploit of Lithargoel, a chauffeur of the signifier’s flesh epithelium where it battles the angaria of those realizations of the imaginary and symbolic dimensions, and where the question of what is a being, a human being, consists of pure symbolism: and he who manages to achieve that symbolism of a voice that actually appreciates the visual, not a speaking being in this case, is but a servant of cannibalism- let him who has just killed lust the meat of a human being: it is a symbolization of hunger, an example of the antithesis of incarnation, that the gesture of the kinesis verves from the flesh and it becomes word. There is a symbol, yet, one that is real: humanity becomes, truly, something to taste and chew on: that is what an anthropophagous has testified, and we could learn at least a page of bad news regarding the oral object, by ranging an apologized earlobe to his toxic testimony.




The Psychoanalytic Act: On the Formation of the No-Body.

By Petros Patounas.

The School of the Freudian Letter Publications.

On the Act Treating the Psychoanalyst.

The analyst does not own a proboscis. Free Association is an anathema for the act of treating the psychoanalyst- if analysis itself is the treatment domiciling at the analyst; free association as the despicable for the conduction of an analysis has been the folly of follies of our practise, if, as Lacan said, psychoanalysis is the treatment the analyst reintroduces from an analysand- more than that, it is the treatment analysis aftereffects from being created each time o’er. It substances the analyst into the papal chair of the he who receives the discourse or, equally, he who is a subject supposed to know what goes on with this discursive subject that suffers, when, in fact, it is the catholicon, a blameless portion of an antidote for the subject supposed to know. What is the Act when this entrance occurs in the form of a demand for analysis, if not the demand of a poet, as much as Ovid, to hear the synthetic amalgam of an innovative rhyme, of a Ποίησης that is a creation, which will rediscover and reinvent psychoanalysis once again, a Ποίησης reinventing, truly, two poets, equally, and which it cannot be unless the poets Act- there should be a question mark here.




The Psychoanalytic Act: On the Formation of the No-Body.

By Petros Patounas.

The School of the Freudian Letter Publications.

On the Perversity of the Psychoanalytic Act: The Avowal of the Word.

The Act can only be Perpendicular- a laceration on the derangement of the signifier’s circumgyration, for, the analyst is neither a doctor nor a hermit and the orientation itself is terribly not an example of an eremitic tradition- not that the analyst cannot be in the position of the Shaman: what does a shaman do, a question worthy to bedevil one’s lips. The Shaman is Beethoven. The Summum bonum of psychoanalysis is the silence of the Act- that constitutes an end in itself, not a union. It can be, and only, not to become, for it is not horizontal as justice is, but, perpendicular for its Spermatikos Logos, Clemen’s act onto the discourse of the Christian apologetics’ destiny, encompassing an Act, is Agape, be that for the given subject of freedom; and let another subject be a walking analysand, if this pseudonymous and gossamery being were a fanatic of Aristotle; and, when the watered lips of the analyst vomit the phonemes of the intervention, or, when his prism called body, that mass surrendered like a traitor to a timed desire- God forbid this been a desire- is without a doubt what one may use as an example of the horizontal axioms of the signifier, which is the way of an analyst who is the Pharisee of Pharisees, believing in the letter of the law and on the unity of spacetime: what a great example of psychotherapy, not analysis- certainly not Kantian.



The Psychoanalytic Act: On the Formation of the No-Body.

By Petros Patounas.

The School of the Freudian Letter Publications.

Not a Semblance: On the Formation of the No-Body.

That which cannot be spoken, is an Act. The Olivet Discourse, that lilliputian apocalyptic praxis approbating the Act alfresco from the linear candles of time, those of the before and of the after, makes itself current because Mathew’s gospel, to whom Lacan has dedicated a repetition of his name in his seminar on the Act- that is disremembered when it comes to that Real which cannot be said, with whom analysts fail to recollect that it is acted, for, they cannot act upon the knot and turn it into, at least, a Hansel and Grete metaphor of finding a way out- and with which one ought to commiserate that the instrumentality of an evil spell instead of the gospel∙ that one attributed to Mathew has been directed towards the Hebrews as much as Lacan directed his seminars to the formation of psychoanalysts, been in the position of the aerial transition of a literature one cannot read, not Next to, but Towards, which another evangelist wrote: And the Word, that is not a lexis alone, was towards God but not the Kinesis of the letter which is beyond∙ the Olivet Discourse occurs at the moment of pathos- an orientation that can depart en route for a two-flowing superintendence as exemplified by the Diskobolus, if an analyst is in possession of an autocratic aegis as much as Caesar contravening the rudimentary canon because he acted on what constitutes that imperative itself∙ anxiety is produced at that twinkling of the fathom of a breath’s illiterate noisomeness, and to which an analyst cannot say for sure that it is the result of truism of the conveyance of a mono alphabetic substitution- a letter representing the letter for another letter: that is the Apraxia of time, where the subjects’ chirokinesthesian Acts generate a Being outside of time’s parable, even outside from the cave that one sees only the shadows of the Platonic word, acts, that are moving a worth allied with a Being Silent.




The Psychoanalytic Act: On the Formation of the No-Body.

By Petros Patounas.

The School of the Freudian Letter Publications.


On the Formula of the Onanistic Discourse.

Free association is a Masturbational Discourse when it is not associated with the Act: a masturbator is an analyst who practices without the Act- a true believer of the Talking Cure: this results, if it is repetitive, as much as the drive to whom they attached no desire of their own and compels analysts to susurrate the same things over and over, to Onania– they have turned lazy and quote other analysts for they cannot speak for themselves; and they become murmurers that bore desire to death: that is their proper function, and no wonder why psychoanalysis has turned into the poor man’s point of reference in the countries which these onanists are located, forgetting, more than anything else, that if there is a reference to resistance, then, it is that of the analyst. If there is this woman, to whom one ought to give the outmost respect, that has practiced Lacanian Psychoanalysis in Tehran, then, there is nothing more for them to say.



The Psychoanalytic Act: On the Formation of the No-Body.

By Petros Patounas.

The School of the Freudian Letter Publications.

The Apocalyptic Act- Part 4: Psychoanalysis is a Waste of Time.

A Desire that should not be Linear- and; a falling grammar but a prevailing desire- desire circumnavigates when an alpha and an eschaton do not infect with an ominous snore the obiter dictum of the signifier’s tonality, and when the object, itself, ID self + no equation of jouissance and the Other or Soma, oxygenates the bloodlines because it has been baptised not in the Name but in the desire’s Siloam Pool, a cleansing by which a motion constitutes as it goes, not whilst becoming; and, if it is to mention the word “use,” in the guidelines of Wittgenstein, not for jouissance but for this It-self, that object, not the I-Object but the autistic “I object,” that stands beyond time and no time, it is about a use of the object cause- one ought to teach It how to swim, in the immemorial ocean that the Nietzschean encephalous has been able to conceive: this is the oceanic experience, to which idiots that have entitled psychoanalysis as an emotional practice parallax with the oceanic feeling- as if one is to be turned, with the undergoing of psychoanalysis, into a boring lover who thinks that it is romantic to stand as an agalmatic viewer to the world-weariness, of the dyeing sun and the serene aquatic topology. It is the oceanic experience of archegony– the apician comportment cleared of the father; and, because of this, an analyst canisters, through the shadowy forest where one can, still, to perceive of the existence of prostitutes, freed from the cursing of time and the ethics of the wellbeing of the Gaze, and hear their whisper: of course, if there is some remaining belief on extraordinary beasts, if psychoanalysis has not been turned so much scientific as science itself- and the whisper is, that, this, is the way for a subject to use the Real, implied this subject is an orphan from a father.



The Psychoanalytic Act: On the Formation of the No-Body.

By Petros Patounas.

The School of the Freudian Letter Publications.



The Apocalyptic Act- Part 3: The Death of the Subject Supposed to Know.

The Subject Supposed to Know has deceased, yet transference is alive; then, it is to version our terminology if we are to declare anything decent with some kilowatts of responsibility for the clinic beyond the father, whose long craved reign a given doubtful Thomas hunts for situating his smallest of his ten fingers upon the rotten blood of the wound, by asking if, is it a clinic beyond the father, or, is it a clinic with a different sort of a father: one is, if the thoughts may peregrinate in time, in the linearity of the signifier, which is erroneous yet settled, provoked to think of Pax Romana, an era which, as much as the changes of it could be argued in chronological terms and not only, one strikes a mind more, that of the reallocation from hubris to sin, which is, among these revolutions, the only one that is not sequential and timed as much as the signifier in the graph of desire: it is free as free association ought to be if the analysts ears do not listen to the Other; there was no word in ancient Greek language having the same connotation as did later on the word Sin, with its reference to guilt and the moving away from the father.



The Psychoanalytic Act: On the Formation of the No-Body.

By Petros Patounas.

The School of the Freudian Letter Publications.



On Counter-transference and Exorcism.

And when this one, this professor of psychology, a Lacanian, one that God, if he sought to offer a testimony of his omnipotence, must use all of his arts and crafts to orient into a Lacanian analyst, that one who has spoken about counter-transference- to this astute sage it is de rigueur to quote a proverb, not taken from any methodic text, but from a wisdom that has withstood the force of time and most likely has been translated into all the languages of the universe: that English one saying that “Only a donkey brays in front of another donkey.” It could be something saccharine to tingle one’s ear when in the place of the supervisor, that place of asininity of the analyst’s analyst, not dealing with the analyst’s counter-transference, neither with the desire of the analyst: rather, with the failure of the same desire, because one does understand- the acting out akin to pantomime commands not for an interpretation of the message but of the messenger. A good companion would be a decent book on exorcism- as it is stated and never heard, a demon will not abandon a subject unless the analyst calls it by its name- in such a way the invoking of Gabriel’s hymn settles the amusement with the name of the father. It is not nomination but a singing- a note pausing the refrain and stops the session at the koriphosis, for, the best way up is the way down, according to Heraclitus, as the analyst’s desire has its own destiny as much as the drive does. But for that precision an analyst ought to have a fine-tune voice and a dose of astigmatism when it comes to the letters, so to perceive their kinesis. Braying is a first class exercise with one’s dummy.


The Psychoanalytic Act: On the Formation of the No-Body.

By Petros Patounas.

The School of the Freudian Letter Publications.

On Enjoyment and Suffering.

Let us masticate over, once again and more seriously before our teeth’s cavities extinguish that ability, the hard kernel of the Death Drive as it is audibly obtainable in the clinic- subjects do not enter analysis because they cannot enjoy: only perverse subjects actually, might, go to analysis because they do suffer; those are the subjects who know how to enjoy: psychoanalysts have lots to ascertain from this novel science- that which a saint is able to practice.


The Psychoanalytic Act: On the Formation of the No-Body.

By Petros Patounas.

The School of the Freudian Letter Publications.