Free Association: On a Function to be Revised.

Free associate your Breath, dear analyst, because, from the everything, that Apeiron, comes the pneuma  but not through the Other’s free concurrence – how much does an aristocrat enjoy listening to what he already knows yet behaving as if not acknowledging· for, he cannot listen if the, which it is, the breath, the object a, and the Letter are homoousian to the Das Ding, separated but not divided, not, not with the cut that enables signifiers to appear but with the ditinic comma, which is the spiritus asper of the Act, not the action, of breathing· the Dasia, or, the tones of Pythagoras, whom masters of psychoanalysis in their divine struggle with time and the unconscious speak of musicality- how can the ear of he who has no faith and has never conducted a poem in favor of the muses can have a word about music, he that cannot speak a word deriving from his own poetry· and, to these unfaithful who research knowledge, belief and faith, that is, to those who have never experienced the vomiting breath of a fricative consonant, neither the kindness of the Spiritus Lenis, that horizontal breathing which the Greeks have submitted as high spirit, the Ψιλόν Πνεύμα, marking the nonattendance of the right to be heard, not to be or respire because the letter’s flux has been eternalized by the signifier: it is this function upon the breathing letters, the subtraction of the signifier’s oxygen, wrongfully taken for litter as the hypokeimenon, the subject of the unconscious, cannot subsist without the Ousia.



The Psychoanalytic Act: On the Formation of the No-Body.

By Petros Patounas.

The School of the Freudian Letter Publications.

On the Formula of the Onanistic Discourse.

Free association is a Masturbational Discourse when it is not associated with the Act: a masturbator is an analyst who practices without the Act- a true believer of the Talking Cure: this results, if it is repetitive, as much as the drive to whom they attached no desire of their own and compels analysts to susurrate the same things over and over, to Onania– they have turned lazy and quote other analysts for they cannot speak for themselves; and they become murmurers that bore desire to death: that is their proper function, and no wonder why psychoanalysis has turned into the poor man’s point of reference in the countries which these onanists are located, forgetting, more than anything else, that if there is a reference to resistance, then, it is that of the analyst. If there is this woman, to whom one ought to give the outmost respect, that has practiced Lacanian Psychoanalysis in Tehran, then, there is nothing more for them to say.



The Psychoanalytic Act: On the Formation of the No-Body.

By Petros Patounas.

The School of the Freudian Letter Publications.