On the Quantum Mechanics of the Breath

From the abyss eluded a kind prophet, friendly and ceremonial and with an affectionate touch for the arts to which he served as procrastinator- oh my dear- good for the arts and newspapers but not a psychoanalyst; dear friend you are yet to experience a surface without holes because you are constrained in what is lacking and thus you can never be a fire fly within the mist and understand with your deepest gnosis that the Breath redeems one from responding to its name from a body conquered by language.

Have you not heard the gypsies who hissed the verse, that sublimation is a perversive and imaginary act, but not an Act, for, the subject becomes a source of desire perversing a structure that does not allow the children to play: it is the foreclosure of playing itself: it has been written when one has spoken to the many, that the instinct is not closer to the Das Ding but neither is Trieb, because the true source of Eros is the Breath- it is not erotogenous and does not genitise the Acts of Faith towards the Sinthome for it goes beyond the fantasy offered gracefully from the borromean knot and the Other; libido changes its prayers to its objects because those themselves change their habits as monks dedicated to a habit they do not own, and they do not and they can not own them because they are not one with them, but only become one through the wilderness of the identifications of the signifier and the mirror; monks, those in question could have been one with their Acts if they could have articulate them in writing with a body that sculpts Letters within the platform of the world, for, such could have only be the full speech of their desire: the return of the repressed waves away the priest from the oracle.

When desire marks the body who Acts, whose speech is an axe, eros find its source and it is not of the flesh: women should have been brave enough to support this testament; the act of faith is that which surpasses the laws of faith. We have not been able to create a new perversion because we were too scared to go beyond the body of Freud, but not beyond the subject breathing in the word; such a breath exists away from the binary; the act is towards the binary and exalts an object to an ideal: there is no sublimation but a breath because the Breath is a true speech where truth and Act are one for once but not for all. And how will you sustain your body if not by been one with your Act, one which will replace the ‘object a’ in the new knot, the glorious body of Christ that Lacan mentioned once- that new body which I have been writing a few years now, one that is centralized around an Act: for, one cannot be the object in its own fantasy my dear friend.