On the of Nativity of Astrophic Constructions.

And the sorrowful eyes of those priests who have obtained scrupulous pride in fashioning language in levels and structures where the Παρουσία of desire is impossible, lovers of Bildungsroman, and, because they have faith in death and enjoy the trauma they orient lexicons and language towards immortality, those Les immortels, who should have known that between two Acts one ought to produce music, and yet again one ought to know how to write to achieve such an honor: the French should have known that with the beauty of their rhythmic Entr’acte– that psychoanalysts could have become great condACTors in facilitating spaces of motion for that speaking body that does not Act and therefore remains in melancholia and the complaining of Apraxia- a way to live a life, truth be told, if one chooses, but desire and its meditative dimension will not be there; a father my dear friend is not castrated in hysteria according to the rules of the structure but according to Desire to which he has to function as its guardian: it is then that the daughter is attracted to become more man than a man, a masculine subject always in relation to the reference that the father is not enough, according to a cultural model crafted on the horrifically talented mirror, and she searches for the phallus, that is, when the father is incapable to desire, as he has submitted his desire within the topology of the ideal that he serves now under an oath, the daughter attempts to frame a venerable picture of an imaginary father, who is not a father after all, for he fails to orient movement but static images.

And the angel of the Lord God, a terrific seraphim with dark eyes, has given a chance to the simpleton of simpletons who was the ruler of the Ionians but functions nothing akin to a Greek for he knows not how to write and in fact he cannot even read; and He has given this second chance because He likes jokes although the kingdom of simpletons has long foreclosed laughter: if the father is castrated towards his own desire then the encounter with a given analyst who actually desires, shall create the presence of the One who is not castrated: of the man; so there are possibilities for the woman to exist in relation to that desire: the woman my dear simpleton can exist only around desire- it is here that the Other Jouissance can become a great tool for life; and there is a laughter not to miss here, provoked by the statement, because the equation is true for the man as well, unless they seek to wash the floors of the topologies within a jouissance of the Other, that which the lovers of Bildungsroman refuse to nominate as object in fear of disrupting the structure and thus their own place in relation to that structural reference: the Primal Father, now the assumed psychoanalysts who Act on their desire, one in plural, provides Kinesis- it is possible not within the phantasy, which is what the phallus and the Sinthome do, but only with the construction of another knot centipeding around the Act and not an object- this Primal Father who desires without an object allows for the creation of Astrophic constructions, plasmatic revelations of stanzas having no specific patterns and allocations.

On the Reading that is Symphonic.

The Act is the antiphony of jouissance- the phoneme ought to be sang and spelled out∙ a school and an orientation could have create a chorus, at least regarding the direction of a desire, and to the best of our stupidity we could have made some use of the Liturgia Horarum, for, if there is anything to be venerated, that is not the semblance but that desire for the Cause, not its causality, but that which becomes a breath from the puncture, for, the fissure from where desire shall sprang its motion is for no use but for Kinesis and for the Letter, not a waste of a litter certainly but an abysmal aether, offering the trauma’s sacred pinches and tones to the analyst’s desire∙ it is in this asymmetrical manner that the signifier detects and recognizes the analysts, not the other way around, and within this creation, not an existence, analysts are desired to learn a novel alphabet: each time de novo, for, and because every analysand is different, an analyst is dissimilar, as well, to its own shadow.



The Psychoanalytic Act: On the Formation of the No-Body.

By Petros Patounas.

The School of the Freudian Letter Publications.

On Deconditioning Auditory Devices.

What does the analyst perceive when inaugurated on the chair of a locus, one necessitating certain talents so to appreciate an organization, and thus not free from its structure- what does the analyst hear when on a Buddha’s cathedra, or, even worst, when in the position of the gaze that is apart from the experience, functioning as a Panoptical lidless eye, a true auditorium of a church dedicated to the divinity of the cataleptic signifier, one certainly been Lacanian∙ let it be that we are repudiated of the words of typifying it as the orientation’s ethical dimension∙ the coordination, as well as the Ethics, leave aside the structure, do not pre-exist before analysis· they do speak of a subsistence, not existence, in the form of an interrogation preliminary to the treatment of psychosis, if the analyst has too much wax of empathetic knowledge for the Other or for jouissance in his ear canals· the formulation, thus, ought to extract another question, that of the how psychosis treats the psychoanalyst- for, if analysis is a question to be formed, then, it is the analyst and psychoanalysis itself that are treated in the session· and, to form the question before the treatment, one, a truly vindictive lord, sides psychoanalysis with the evil perception of a science when, yes, when, in this case and under these circumstances, it should be aside lyricism- a science in hunt for a delicate veracity supported with the subject’s experimentations, what we may call life.



The Psychoanalytic Act: On the Formation of the No-Body.

By Petros Patounas.

The School of the Freudian Letter Publications.

The Apocalyptic Act- Part 7: On the Anxiety of the Death of Time.

And, at the toponarcosis of pathos not been cultivated within the anthropophilic jaws of a system of the Other or jouissance destined to reckon the dire request of an instance, no more than the subtraction of the small ‘a’ from what one may call chronic, the Achronic anxiety to which the Greeks have been zealous enough in dedicating an unconscionable statue, a piece of art to principle not the sexual or suffering, an agalma beyond, in fact, the binary of those two evils of comedy and tragedy sculptured as such within the breeding of an occasion and the truth bared by angst, not as “a before” or “an after”- that is, as a signal of what is to be a Being beyond sexual difference, one which, the (a)somatic function of femininity becoming ether tempting Saint Antony of Egypt; the chronometric ability by which anxiety is placed as a before or an after collapses at the precise moment of the experience, where the Diskobolus, depicted by the hand of Myron on a ptomainic marble, is about to release the discus- not before and neither after, but within the defined juncture of the experience where the end of the drive becomes a start once again, and, yet itself, the occurrence, is neither a cause or an aim: it is a soil where the Cause houses its ethical dimension, ‘a’ timeless one- and, if with the assistance of the ophthalmological instruments, which are made to misinform the Ousia of an experience beyond the body, one views the soma of the Diskobolus because one is not a spectator of what is Asomatic, where the nature of the calligraphy of the letters becomes a foundation itself- not the names of God but the letters of God shape a ParOusia, that of the Paraclete that by itself it is one of the names: the ptosis of time needs and ear and an infected vision: Oedipus has inflicted the wrong part of his flesh, for, it was his ears that he should have treat for being too deaf about the pyrosis of his desire.



The Psychoanalytic Act: On the Formation of the No-Body.

By Petros Patounas.

The School of the Freudian Letter Publications.

The Sinthome is to Act.

The Being Silent is a choice of responsibility for the subject through a canon’s spiral cylinder commanding silence: the Sinthome is the Act, not a goal but a beginning of the topo-logy, where a subject’s Logos becomes an oath for a praxis; this is not anepigraphic, as a new epic accompanies the operation, yet, for this to be the case within a practice with some class of optimism towards the orientation, the act could have been assisted by an uncircumcised tongue, a not so fervid Ankyloglossia. For, to anagrammatize silence’s commotion, the Speaking Being ought to ensemble an Erg(On), an Acting Being; if not, one remains with anastomosis, an open mouth and no speech or one that presently speaks- and that is how an author should illustrate with letters a departed subject, as much as Hebdomeros describes the plasmatic function of a dream. Speech is only the parergon to the Act- and this is whispered to the analyst as a competence, a device of his desire.



The Psychoanalytic Act: On the Formation of the No-Body.

By Petros Patounas.

The School of the Freudian Letter Publications.