On the of Nativity of Astrophic Constructions.

And the sorrowful eyes of those priests who have obtained scrupulous pride in fashioning language in levels and structures where the Παρουσία of desire is impossible, lovers of Bildungsroman, and, because they have faith in death and enjoy the trauma they orient lexicons and language towards immortality, those Les immortels, who should have known that between two Acts one ought to produce music, and yet again one ought to know how to write to achieve such an honor: the French should have known that with the beauty of their rhythmic Entr’acte– that psychoanalysts could have become great condACTors in facilitating spaces of motion for that speaking body that does not Act and therefore remains in melancholia and the complaining of Apraxia- a way to live a life, truth be told, if one chooses, but desire and its meditative dimension will not be there; a father my dear friend is not castrated in hysteria according to the rules of the structure but according to Desire to which he has to function as its guardian: it is then that the daughter is attracted to become more man than a man, a masculine subject always in relation to the reference that the father is not enough, according to a cultural model crafted on the horrifically talented mirror, and she searches for the phallus, that is, when the father is incapable to desire, as he has submitted his desire within the topology of the ideal that he serves now under an oath, the daughter attempts to frame a venerable picture of an imaginary father, who is not a father after all, for he fails to orient movement but static images.

And the angel of the Lord God, a terrific seraphim with dark eyes, has given a chance to the simpleton of simpletons who was the ruler of the Ionians but functions nothing akin to a Greek for he knows not how to write and in fact he cannot even read; and He has given this second chance because He likes jokes although the kingdom of simpletons has long foreclosed laughter: if the father is castrated towards his own desire then the encounter with a given analyst who actually desires, shall create the presence of the One who is not castrated: of the man; so there are possibilities for the woman to exist in relation to that desire: the woman my dear simpleton can exist only around desire- it is here that the Other Jouissance can become a great tool for life; and there is a laughter not to miss here, provoked by the statement, because the equation is true for the man as well, unless they seek to wash the floors of the topologies within a jouissance of the Other, that which the lovers of Bildungsroman refuse to nominate as object in fear of disrupting the structure and thus their own place in relation to that structural reference: the Primal Father, now the assumed psychoanalysts who Act on their desire, one in plural, provides Kinesis- it is possible not within the phantasy, which is what the phallus and the Sinthome do, but only with the construction of another knot centipeding around the Act and not an object- this Primal Father who desires without an object allows for the creation of Astrophic constructions, plasmatic revelations of stanzas having no specific patterns and allocations.