On Deconditioning Auditory Devices.

What does the analyst perceive when inaugurated on the chair of a locus, one necessitating certain talents so to appreciate an organization, and thus not free from its structure- what does the analyst hear when on a Buddha’s cathedra, or, even worst, when in the position of the gaze that is apart from the experience, functioning as a Panoptical lidless eye, a true auditorium of a church dedicated to the divinity of the cataleptic signifier, one certainly been Lacanian∙ let it be that we are repudiated of the words of typifying it as the orientation’s ethical dimension∙ the coordination, as well as the Ethics, leave aside the structure, do not pre-exist before analysis· they do speak of a subsistence, not existence, in the form of an interrogation preliminary to the treatment of psychosis, if the analyst has too much wax of empathetic knowledge for the Other or for jouissance in his ear canals· the formulation, thus, ought to extract another question, that of the how psychosis treats the psychoanalyst- for, if analysis is a question to be formed, then, it is the analyst and psychoanalysis itself that are treated in the session· and, to form the question before the treatment, one, a truly vindictive lord, sides psychoanalysis with the evil perception of a science when, yes, when, in this case and under these circumstances, it should be aside lyricism- a science in hunt for a delicate veracity supported with the subject’s experimentations, what we may call life.



The Psychoanalytic Act: On the Formation of the No-Body.

By Petros Patounas.

The School of the Freudian Letter Publications.

On the Register of the Act.

The very element of the analytic Act is silence- that, a Being Silent and Eupnoea, which analysts disremember to honour their anamnesis, and whose anamorphosis alongside the act reserves the speaking being, the he-dummy who attempts to say that which cannot be said for the sake of the phallus∙ it is an ErgOn, the diacritical object of psychoanalysis and the inhabitation of the visceral beast, that animal who has the proneness, because of the phoneme, to become foolish towards biology, and from where the speaking being Acts, been no more a speaking being but an Ergon whose word is a praxis, because he has said so∙ the threshold, that which is not to be overpassed but crossed, maybe in the erudite style of the Argonauts who allowed the phallus to crush its tail, is that sanctioning or eliminating speech itself- the particular topography of the resisters remaining unexplored because, accurately, analysts do not act in the custom proper to an Acting Being∙ it is a step further than science and no close to a creed, a monarchy at the pathos of the act where the solution to the substance of how does the Subject supposed to Know deal with the humanity of the session∙ to that threshold one is to encounter the Ethic, not before crossing it.



The Psychoanalytic Act: On the Formation of the No-Body.

By Petros Patounas.

The School of the Freudian Letter Publications.

On the Act that is One.

The strategy is not an Act- it even surpasses the debriefing preliminary of the treatment of psychosis; which, yes, there could have occurred an act with it simply by opening a mouth and asking that big-headed creature one sees in the mirror, a donkey not speaking but braying, if the question prior to the treatment of psychosis should have been pragmatically closer to how does the psychosis treat the analyst; not a strategy but  a symptomatic occurrence that happens unexpectedly. It is not a gamble as nothing is at stake, neither loss nor victory: Veni, Vidi, Vici was verbalised for the triumph of surpassing the river, but, again with Heraclitus, we have a testimony that, even if the subject steps in the same place, the waters cannot be the same- that is why the Act cannot represent itself for one another, and only a doing can. If the Act is cored on the stages of, either meaning or existence, it is a doing serving a reductive knowledge to which the analyst serves as a technician and not a subject within, not in, formation; and, as long as the subject of analysis is a psychoanalyst, the questions of Who Acts and From what position, will deserve the answer of pluralisation of the Who, and, the second one, from a motion, never from a so called position- which is the fissure of the pre-mentioned asinine creature- not a metaphorical one since the description was indeed for a donkey.




The Psychoanalytic Act: On the Formation of the No-Body.

By Petros Patounas.

The School of the Freudian Letter Publications.

The Apocalyptic Act- Part 6: On the Silence of the Act.

Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent- and it does not make much difference if psychoanalysis as a discourse itself, playing with Wittgenstein’s statement within the gaps comminated by analysts’ mouths, describes from its campanile a subject, to enumerate a utterance for that which cannot be spoken; and, because the corresponding duplicate of a dupe is a dupe, let us originate for the better and for the amenability of the position of he who is an active listener and not free associated, that, whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must act in silence: for, what cannot be said is attended by the silence of the Act, akin to the Gordian knot and the encountering of Alexander with what would not be, not could not be, untied: that which is not solved, it is an act- because the Being Silent is a being acting, the he who holds ‘a’ destiny in his own hands and fathoms within a realm of accountability annexing the gnosis of what to do with ID, a-far from the silhouette of the God formulated in the sentence He can do all, and close to the skeletal frame of the He does all.



The Psychoanalytic Act: On the Formation of the No-Body.

By Petros Patounas.

The School of the Freudian Letter Publications.

The Apocalyptic Act- Part 5: On the Act that is Real: The Dancing Analyst.

And with the presence of avowal, when disavowal being at hand yet disavowing the fetish- where the subjects that have been called holy stood as guardians of this position with more success than analysts, the subject’s direction cannot be but that of the Cause; beyond those names that are entitled fathers and, which, they have no signifieds- those violent beats- one is to assist in turning them into notes proper to a sol key, for, it is not only the phallus offering a Greek Gift, hope, for the psychotic subject by holding itself from the paternal organ if that itself has been craved at least a milligram from the mother, but the Kinesis: if your subject is cursed to motion then it is a pecunious idea to lucubrate how to drive- one does lower the speed not by the Name alone, but, through the alteration of rhythm and time as well: an anapestic experience with one’s body. This is what psychoanalysis can learn by the not didascalic aspect of science that, which, yet, has some faith in truth.



The Psychoanalytic Act: On the Formation of the No-Body.

By Petros Patounas.

The School of the Freudian Letter Publications.