On the Reading that is Symphonic.

The Act is the antiphony of jouissance- the phoneme ought to be sang and spelled out∙ a school and an orientation could have create a chorus, at least regarding the direction of a desire, and to the best of our stupidity we could have made some use of the Liturgia Horarum, for, if there is anything to be venerated, that is not the semblance but that desire for the Cause, not its causality, but that which becomes a breath from the puncture, for, the fissure from where desire shall sprang its motion is for no use but for Kinesis and for the Letter, not a waste of a litter certainly but an abysmal aether, offering the trauma’s sacred pinches and tones to the analyst’s desire∙ it is in this asymmetrical manner that the signifier detects and recognizes the analysts, not the other way around, and within this creation, not an existence, analysts are desired to learn a novel alphabet: each time de novo, for, and because every analysand is different, an analyst is dissimilar, as well, to its own shadow.



The Psychoanalytic Act: On the Formation of the No-Body.

By Petros Patounas.

The School of the Freudian Letter Publications.

On the Desire of the Gentile.

If psychoanalysis’ Ousia residues in the interior and the con-text of the session, is not an Act but an old fashioned Pavlovian usance of a different time scale, longer indeed, awaiting the subject’s analyst to be satisfied with how this given analysand deals with his Daimonion, the Other, a function that analysts have revolved- just hear them chatting about it- into an imperceptible other person, reducing its function into an embarrassed cognition supposedly not implied to the analysand: but the voice who is unvoiced it is even more horrible· an unpardonable glimpse and an appraisal without the support of any optical devises, into a number of case studies, depicts the truth, that is, very few analysts canister to speak their own language, remaining thus attentive and attached to a Name of the Father, practicing a psychotherapy, one not been able however to treat their individual symptom, which is cloning: there is no dupe but duple, and, Pavlov, and certainly the supposedly free enterprise oxygenating demands for professionalism, would have been proud of such an exegesis· a professional process not at all human, not even analysis, but the hopeless fetish of he who is parsimonious, if we add desire and ethics into this orgy of professionalism: a franchise within capitalism· as one could smell the phallic redolence of a disintegrating question, which is inhuman as much as it is human, analysis being and present to civilization, to the civilization hosting its free ethical practice allowing subjects to be in formation and not subjected to any theory of forms, is psychoanalysis own Act onto the excess of the discourses asphyxiating the desire of that civilization’s subjects- in this manner the in-formation differs from the semblance’s information leading to cloning and not at all to the creation of a new alphabet, through which analysts cannot plagiarize the responsibility of learning each time anew- and this is the same reason that an analyst is not a position but a Kinesis: yet, he who is obese and refuses to be fed by desire, certainly, cannot move and prefers the position- that of been a cleric of the Other.



The Psychoanalytic Act: On the Formation of the No-Body.

By Petros Patounas.

The School of the Freudian Letter Publications.

On Deconditioning Auditory Devices.

What does the analyst perceive when inaugurated on the chair of a locus, one necessitating certain talents so to appreciate an organization, and thus not free from its structure- what does the analyst hear when on a Buddha’s cathedra, or, even worst, when in the position of the gaze that is apart from the experience, functioning as a Panoptical lidless eye, a true auditorium of a church dedicated to the divinity of the cataleptic signifier, one certainly been Lacanian∙ let it be that we are repudiated of the words of typifying it as the orientation’s ethical dimension∙ the coordination, as well as the Ethics, leave aside the structure, do not pre-exist before analysis· they do speak of a subsistence, not existence, in the form of an interrogation preliminary to the treatment of psychosis, if the analyst has too much wax of empathetic knowledge for the Other or for jouissance in his ear canals· the formulation, thus, ought to extract another question, that of the how psychosis treats the psychoanalyst- for, if analysis is a question to be formed, then, it is the analyst and psychoanalysis itself that are treated in the session· and, to form the question before the treatment, one, a truly vindictive lord, sides psychoanalysis with the evil perception of a science when, yes, when, in this case and under these circumstances, it should be aside lyricism- a science in hunt for a delicate veracity supported with the subject’s experimentations, what we may call life.



The Psychoanalytic Act: On the Formation of the No-Body.

By Petros Patounas.

The School of the Freudian Letter Publications.

The Apocalyptic Act- Part 5: On the Act that is Real: The Dancing Analyst.

And with the presence of avowal, when disavowal being at hand yet disavowing the fetish- where the subjects that have been called holy stood as guardians of this position with more success than analysts, the subject’s direction cannot be but that of the Cause; beyond those names that are entitled fathers and, which, they have no signifieds- those violent beats- one is to assist in turning them into notes proper to a sol key, for, it is not only the phallus offering a Greek Gift, hope, for the psychotic subject by holding itself from the paternal organ if that itself has been craved at least a milligram from the mother, but the Kinesis: if your subject is cursed to motion then it is a pecunious idea to lucubrate how to drive- one does lower the speed not by the Name alone, but, through the alteration of rhythm and time as well: an anapestic experience with one’s body. This is what psychoanalysis can learn by the not didascalic aspect of science that, which, yet, has some faith in truth.



The Psychoanalytic Act: On the Formation of the No-Body.

By Petros Patounas.

The School of the Freudian Letter Publications.



The Apocalyptic Act- Part 4: Psychoanalysis is a Waste of Time.

A Desire that should not be Linear- and; a falling grammar but a prevailing desire- desire circumnavigates when an alpha and an eschaton do not infect with an ominous snore the obiter dictum of the signifier’s tonality, and when the object, itself, ID self + no equation of jouissance and the Other or Soma, oxygenates the bloodlines because it has been baptised not in the Name but in the desire’s Siloam Pool, a cleansing by which a motion constitutes as it goes, not whilst becoming; and, if it is to mention the word “use,” in the guidelines of Wittgenstein, not for jouissance but for this It-self, that object, not the I-Object but the autistic “I object,” that stands beyond time and no time, it is about a use of the object cause- one ought to teach It how to swim, in the immemorial ocean that the Nietzschean encephalous has been able to conceive: this is the oceanic experience, to which idiots that have entitled psychoanalysis as an emotional practice parallax with the oceanic feeling- as if one is to be turned, with the undergoing of psychoanalysis, into a boring lover who thinks that it is romantic to stand as an agalmatic viewer to the world-weariness, of the dyeing sun and the serene aquatic topology. It is the oceanic experience of archegony– the apician comportment cleared of the father; and, because of this, an analyst canisters, through the shadowy forest where one can, still, to perceive of the existence of prostitutes, freed from the cursing of time and the ethics of the wellbeing of the Gaze, and hear their whisper: of course, if there is some remaining belief on extraordinary beasts, if psychoanalysis has not been turned so much scientific as science itself- and the whisper is, that, this, is the way for a subject to use the Real, implied this subject is an orphan from a father.



The Psychoanalytic Act: On the Formation of the No-Body.

By Petros Patounas.

The School of the Freudian Letter Publications.